Georgina Onuoha Heaps Curses On Doctor Who Sexually Abused Over 150 Women
Former Nollywood actress, Georgina Onuoha who has been based in the Unites States, has reacted to the 175 years prison sentence given to former Olympic doctor, Larry Nassar for sexually abusing more than 150 women.
She took to her Instagram page to slam him and urged parents to always protect their daughters.
She wrote:
“There is a special place in hell for anyone who sexually prey on innocent kids. Larry Nassar I pray you rot in hell and never see the light of the day again after sexually abusing 150 girls and kids. I hope they give you more than 175 years in prison because that is not enough.
These little kids trusted you. What all these kids wanted was to be gymnastic champions and represent their country. You raped them repeatedly and abused them and took away their innocence.
Parent be careful who you leave your kids with. Sexual predators every where and these are people you and I trust with our kids safety and development. Worst off in sports. Now I see why parents are pulling their kids from sports, soccer, gymnastics, swimming etc. This scumbag was team USAgymnastic Medical doctor, these kids trusted him as their doctor.
My heart bleeds. America is becoming more perverted as a society. Lord help us. Don’t hire house help, do your chores and take care of your children. If you can’t take them to practice and games for the sports they love, don’t even register them. Don’t entrust your kids with any coach. Suspect every over friendly male figures in your family towards your daughters and women towards your sons. Those who abuse kids are usually those the kids trust and feel comfortable with.
Protect your kids.
The best advice I’ve gotten so far as a parent is from my dearest one. He says ” Gina protect your kids from the social media”. Give them their privacy. Protect your happiness” initially his words didn’t register but with time, every word he said was right. Protecting the kids is more important than the Instant gratification I will get. While I tend to share moments of my kids life with you, henceforth I will stop. Lots of scary creepy people amongst us and in the world.
Protect your kids and I am saying same to my self after watching this disgusting human being call Dr Larry.RIP in prison pedophile”
She shared:
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